RSPro nose saver, balení, packaging

Xtreme nose and rail savers from RSPRo are back

Let’s face it: riversurfing is not for the faint of heart, craving Instagram filters. It’s a relentless dance with the water, where every fall means a potential encounter with uncompromising concrete or an obstacle you never knew existed. That’s why we’ve stocked up on nose savers and rail savers, including the Xtreme model.

The Xtreme SUP model from RSPro is officially designed for paddleboarding, but if you want to be a real powerhouse on Štvanice, you can also stuff it on a river board and go around the tail with it. But when gluing, really work with it and let the board and tape warm up, for example with a heater, so that the tape wraps the board well. You can find out how to choose the right type of RSPro rail saver in the product description. Because when you're rushing on a wave, the last thing you need is to think about whether your beloved board will survive this session.

Cork pads

What about fancy cork pads ? Wax and EVA foam are fine, but the cork alternative is a touch of surf aristocracy 😂

To all of you who called, wrote, and maybe even threatened because you couldn't get your favorite protective gear - we're ready for your destructive creativity again.


WARNING: we do not recommend the SUP model from the Euro brand , which we also sell, for a river board, it is not flexible enough and when you try to fit it on a small board, it cracks. It is really only for a paddleboard.

Tail Pad, RPRo, for surfing
SUP extreme and clear SUP, rail savers RSPRo size comparison
RSPro rail saver, SUP
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